he world needs us to stay in right now, and though many are still busy while self-isolating at home - as passionate worldly travellers we’re already making plans for where we’ll go when the world is able to open its arms again. So, fellow intrepid traveller, here are 12 things to help you prepare, learn, connect and keep dreaming of travel.
1. Create or update your travel bucket list
Wanderlust is a strong emotion, often all-consuming and inspiring us to keep a travel advisor's number on speed dial. You could travel non-stop for a lifetime and never see everything that this amazing planet has to show you. Maybe it’s a destination like the Maldives, or experiencing a wonder of nature like the Northern Lights? A thirst to travel can only be quenched by planning the next trip, so grab a notebook and pen and create your travel bucket list.
Is the Northern Lights on your travel bucket list?

2. Research the unique, out of reach destinations you've only dreamt of
Often the thirst for travel is sated by backyard getaways or close-to-home destinations made famous on social media. But to really quench your thirst for adventure, you need to veer far off the beaten path. Our hot pick is Central Asia, including Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. With such unique destinations and travel experiences available, now is a great time to start your research and see what all the fuss is about.
Uzbek men at Shah i Zinda mausoleum, Uzbekistan

3. Cook your way around the world
There is no better way to discover a foreign culture than to take a bite out of it. Any tongue can interpret the language of food, an alluring song of flavours, ingredients and cooking methods that offers clues that lead you to a culture’s deepest roots. Discover our favourite cooking schools and classes that offer more than just a chance to garner valuable skills while on vacation, they also present the opportunity to delve into the very essence of a destination, where colloquial peculiarities aren’t diluted by tourism. Time to add a few more items to your normal shopping list!
Flavours of travel | Credit: Jan Baldwin

4. Learn the language of your next destination, or at least the conversation basics
The French have a reputation for being unfriendly towards non-Francophones, but it's no secret that people all over the world love and appreciate it when you make the effort to speak a few words of the local tongue. Here are some tips directly from travel advisors on how to break the language barrier before you even step off the plane.
Take the time to learn a new language for your next holiday

5. Read books of literary tales inspired by real destinations
It can be exhilarating to travel to places as described in our favourite books - like these 10 Books to Inspire Travel. As well as the settings of famous stories, you can also visit the locations where the most notable writers penned their classics, such as our picks for Britain literary travels in 2020 where you’re sure to find some inspiration on what to read next.
Grasmere, Lake District – a village Wordsworth (a romantic poet) described as “the loveliest spot that man hath ever found”.

6. Create your own (retrospective) travel playlist
Ever had a song that makes you remember a specific time and place on your travels? Maybe it’s the soundtrack of the first time you travelled overseas independently, or a song you shared with a group of friends which became your unofficial anthem for that trip. It’s always nice to reminisce. If you're looking for some musical inspiration, how about visiting the sites of where some of the most famous bands were founded, like Liverpool’s great Beatles sites.
A favourite escape for young John Lennon and its influence on the Beatles song, Strawberry Fields Forever.

7. Get fit for your next adventure
Planning on trekking Machu Picchu or a biking holiday in Japan? With an abundance of free online ‘at home workouts’ available, now is the perfect opportunity to get travel fit for that next trip. Adventure tour companies like Intrepid Tours or Chimu Adventures will include guidelines for every tour so you can get an idea of the fitness level required.
Did you know Inca builders originally laid down the stones that make up the Inca trail and include around 1600 steps.

8. Watch your favourite series and discover the filming locations you can visit.
If you’re anything like us, visiting the location of your favourite series is a truly unforgettable experience. Visit the real Downton Abbey, the glittering locations of The Crown or the Russian Palaces featured in Catherine the Great. Time to start enjoying or re-watching shows now in preparation for your next travel plans.
Did you know there are over 100 Kg of Gold in the Palace and it was the “summer palace” to the Russian tsars.

9. Tour the world for free, from the comfort of your own home
Keep dreaming about your next holiday and take advantage of the abundance of free virtual tours now readily available for your viewing pleasure. From a virtual vacation in DC, an online tour of The Louvre or a virtual tour of Yosemite National Park, there truly is something for everyone.
Explore the beautiful view of Yosemite National Park virtually.

10. Check-in with your friends and family worldwide
Plan that overseas trip to visit your long lost cousin, aunty or University friend that you've been talking about forever. Maybe it was a friend you met on a small group tour that you both did together years ago? In this age of often being disconnected, the world is finding time to reconnect again through digital means. At the very least, reach out and have a conversation with someone on the other side of the world
It’s now easier than ever to connect to loved ones from across the world. Facetime, whatsapp, Skype, Zoom… just to name a few.

11. Read travel magazines
Travel journalists or travel advisors might not be travelling the world at the moment, but that doesn’t mean their stories and reviews on unique destinations and travel experiences can’t be enjoyed. Informative and inspiring, some of our favourite titles include Gourmet Traveller (the perfect blend of food and travel) and Australian Traveller (with a focus on our Great Southern Land). Now might be a good time to consider an online subscription (or send a subscription as a gift). Loyal Travel Associates clients will also know of our in-house magazine Inspirations - click here to view the latest edition.
Sit back, relax and soak it all in. What better way to dream of travel than focusing your attention and flicking through a glossy magazine filled with beautiful imagery?

12. Ask for travel suggestions on social media.
Speak to your friends - you'd be surprised at the recommendations you'll get. Use the 'Ask for recommendations' function when you post your message. Fellow travellers have a passion for travel just like you and love to share their own stories and helpful tips and tricks. Perhaps you’ll find amazing new ways to discover an old favourite or discover entirely new travel experiences to add to your list. Either way, encouraging conversation about travel and ideas of where to go in 2021 and beyond will allow us all to keep dreaming of travel.
Where are you dreaming of travelling to next?